CTO Info Session Replay - How To Land Better Jobs - July 3, 2024

CTO Info Session Replay - How To Land Better Jobs - July 3, 2024

Watch a recording of our latest info session where Michal Juhas explained how to land $250-500k jobs in the Technology space:

  1. What determines how valuable you are to a business
  2. How to be more extremely valuable to a small number of companies
  3. What role plays the Executive Mindset
  4. What determines your salary in 10 years from now
  5. What determines the job you get 1-2 years from now
  6. Salary of recently hired CTO in the US
  7. How to take advantage of the hidden job market
  8. How do we help our clients
  9. Sample process with a CTO


The video is embedded below or open it on YouTube directly.


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Michal Juhas

Michal Juhas